Meet Speed & Function at DrupalEurope!

Next week, Europe’s Drupal community will gather in Germany for the biggest event of the year — DrupalEurope. More than a conference, this event brings together over 1600 attendees to discuss the latest tech developments, solve complex challenges, and contribute to Drupal’s continual improvement. Beyond attendance, the Speed & Function team looks forward to contributing our Drupal knowledge in our session, Fields, Bricks, Paragraphs, etc… What’s the next? Media Driven Content Architecture. We’re honored and excited to be presenting, as there’s no better way to ensure true understanding of a concept as teaching it. If you’re attending DrupalEurope and interact with media in Drupal, we highly recommend attending our session on Read more

Kyiv Drupal Camp 2018

The world of development is constantly in flux. There are always new tools, tricks, and frameworks to learn so staying on top of industry news and events are key in order to keep your skills sharp. Last month, our Drupal team attended Kyiv Drupal Camp 2018 to see how other developers are using the open source software, share how we work on the platform, and see what new skills we could glean for our own projects. I highly recommend development meetups as they motivate you to increase your technical knowledge, tap into industry trends, and of course, are great opportunities to contribute to the development community. Kyiv Drupal Camp was Read more