Why Agile?

Much has been written about the Agile methodology, and we are not here to say anything new.  Essentially, Agile marries the values of the business world with the values of the engineering world, and allows them to coexist happily and collaborate with minimal conflict. It allows software engineering shops to make their living, and it lets businesses get their products. Companies that either deliver or consume software engineering services and have not adopted Agile are destined to live in pain and drama. Read more

Project Management and Agile Methodology Practiced by Speed and Function

We approach our project management with the utmost in flexibility while designing the most effective process for each project individually. However, we like to follow agile best practices when developing projects as being agile helps prevent problems proactively. This approach has proved to be effective, especially on large projects. When talking about agile methodology, we like to use the following basic principles: Read more