Diversity and Inclusion

Speed & Function is a software development company with headquarters in Philadelphia, USA and locations in five different countries. Founded in 2006 by Nick Gluzdov and Irina Abramson, the company currently employs a multinational, multi-location team of professionals of diverse backgrounds, skill sets, ages, genders, and viewpoints. Clarifying what we mean by D&I at S&F Diversity and inclusion have been given a lot of attention over the last few years, but there is still a lot of work for businesses worldwide to do in order to create truly equitable workforces and to ensure they aren’t just empty buzzwords businesses use to make themselves look good. The terms are often conflated, Read more

Deliberately Developmental: How I helped my company upgrade while also becoming a better person

The tech world evolves at a neck-breaking speed, which requires software companies to innovate and implement change at a rate unparalleled in any other industry. Sounds like a superhuman task? There is, in fact, a very human-oriented approach to tackling it. I discovered it through a journey of trial and error, which led me to overhaul my entire vision for Speed and Function and grow, both as a person and as CEO. Read more on Medium.com Read more

On evolutionary design

There are many versions of this image, trying to visualize evolutionary design, which is promoted in Agile methodology. This one may be the best. A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is defined on Wikipedia as follows: “In product development, the minimum viable product is the product with the highest return on investment versus risk. It is the sweet spot between products without the required features that fail immediately when shipped and the products with too many features that cut return and increase risk. The term was coined and defined by Frank Robinson,and popularised by Steve Blank, and Eric Ries. It may also involve carrying out market analysis beforehand.” In short, it is Read more