S&F at Montenegro IT meet up

S&F at Montenegro IT meet up speaking about developmental approach. This approach is a unique value we have in our company. We are proud to work in a company that cares about its people’s personal growth in alignment with business development. We experience the impact of the developmental approach in our everyday working life. And we were happy to share our approach with the IT community, because we strongly believe in its effectiveness. Read more

What it’s like to work with an aspiring Deliberately Developmental Organization®

If you were a fly on the wall in almost any software engineering firm in the world, you’d regularly see certain key scenes unfold: developers writing code, work being done in Sprints, perhaps a hackathon taking place. What is perhaps less common are some of the key practices and ways of working around feedback, transparency and the testing of assumptions that take place here at Speed & Function. There’s a good reason for this: we are an aspiring Deliberately Developmental Organization® (DDO for short). In this article we’ll introduce you to what DDOs are, what makes them different from everyday organizations, and the impact this has on the client experience. Read more

Independence Day Celebration at S&F

To celebrate Independence Day, we had our annual corporate events in different parts of the world where S&F employees are living and working internationally. It was exciting to see each other, welcome new hires and make new friends, enjoy a barbecue together, swim in the pool and sail. As part of the events, some of the team took an extreme ATV ride in the pouring rain. Covered in mud, they were incredibly happy and excited. It was a great time for all of our S&F family to get together, celebrate and create unforgettable memories! Read more

Diversity and Inclusion

Speed & Function is a software development company with headquarters in Philadelphia, USA and locations in five different countries. Founded in 2006 by Nick Gluzdov and Irina Abramson, the company currently employs a multinational, multi-location team of professionals of diverse backgrounds, skill sets, ages, genders, and viewpoints. Clarifying what we mean by D&I at S&F Diversity and inclusion have been given a lot of attention over the last few years, but there is still a lot of work for businesses worldwide to do in order to create truly equitable workforces and to ensure they aren’t just empty buzzwords businesses use to make themselves look good. The terms are often conflated, Read more